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Boat Show again

24th September...

Click on Thumbnail I'd arranged for an internet purchase of a Personal Distress pack to be delivered at the Boat Show (to avoid carriage costs) so I went to pick that up. Also, following my struggle once again yesterday to moor Seatern, I called at the Versadock stand to get a quote for the parts needed to extend the pontoon by 1m which I think will help. It will also allow me to keep my Canadian canoe on the pontoon which should mean I use it more often.

On the Swallow yachts stand I met Carol and Alistair Lawson (BC26 003, Iris) - Alistair had been there on the Monday too - and Helen Ash from the Mylor Raid. Matt spoke to me about manning a safety boat next year - he seems to have had a good Boat Show with a few sales made at the show.

In the afternoon a spitfire and a hurricane put on an air display - just visible from my jetty. The photo was taken with a strong telephoto lens!

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